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Contact: Xu Chunjian


The advantages of leasing

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Cost savings
Packing cost
Leases are available in a recyclable package that reduces direct packaging costs
2. transportation costs
  Leasing is the use of folding packaging, can reduce the cost of recycling
3. Increase the number of SNPs
Leasing is the use of the whole package, reduce the small box, so that the number of the whole increase
4, to reduce the number of packaging use
The general project has a peak, the use of leasing mode will avoid waste
5. Management costs
Lease the container by the Division I direct management, customers do not need to increase management costs
6. Loss of costs
Leasing  in addition to the customer responsible for the loss during the period  borne by the customer, the rest are Xinxin responsible
7. Package maintenance costs
Rental packaging by the new Xin maintenance cleaning, customers without worry
8, the Treasury and inventory savings
Leasing  is the use of on-demand distribution, customers only need to provide a  small area to ensure the production of the normal packaging of the area,  Xin Xin in accordance with the needs of distribution, reduce customer  inventory